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Term Life


Quite simply, life insurance may be one of the most important purchases you’ll ever make. Find out how much you need, and how your family will benefit.

     Term Life insurance policies generally offer the greatest amount of coverage for the lowest initial cost – they are the most straightforward form of coverage. If you have shorter-term needs and limited money to spend on insurance, a Term Life insurance policy may be the best fit for you.

    Policyholders generally pay a premium on a monthly or annual basis for the length of that term. Proceeds help to cover financial responsibilities that decrease or end over time, like mortgages or car loans, should something happen to the insured. With Term Life policies, premiums can increase at the end of the fixed-term period.

     Term Life insurance policies are typically used to help provide additional Life insurance coverage during child-raising years, to help pay for short-term debts, help pay off a mortgage, or fund a college education should something unexpected happen.

Simple Term1

Simple Term Life insurance coverage is designed with a simplified Life insurance application and accelerated underwriting process. This product offers level-term insurance with face amounts low enough to fit most budgets, and guaranteed premiums that are level for 10, 20, or 30 years.


  • Coverage starting at $75,000
  • Living benefits
  • Convertible to lifelong coverage that builds cash value regardless of health

Value Term2

Value Term provides affordable Life insurance coverage with premiums that are guaranteed not to increase for 10, 20, or 30 years. When you need enough coverage to protect your family against loss of income or the cost of a mortgage,  Value Term may be a cost-effective solution for you.


  • Guaranteed level death benefit
  • Guaranteed level premiums
  • Convertible to lifelong coverage that builds cash value regardless of health
  • Coverage starting $150,000

Decreasing Term3

Decreasing Term Life insurance is decreasing-term coverage with premiums guaranteed to remain level as long as the policy is in force. The death benefit decreases monthly, rather than annually, to more closely follow the declining loan balance of a traditional fixed home mortgage. Once the death benefit decreases to a level equal to 20 percent of the initial face amount, it then remains level until the policy expires.


  • Coverage starting at $50,0004
  • Living benefits
  • Convertible to lifelong coverage that builds cash value regardless of health
  • Contact Us to get a quote and get started.

1 Policy form 2005-261 or applicable state variation, 2005-271 series or applicable state variation
2 Policy form 2000-228, 2000-230, 2002-226 or applicable state variation
3 Policy form 1995- 255-258 or applicable state variation
4 Coverages starting at $25,000 in TX and CA