File Farmers ClaimView Claims Status Update Your Information Before the StormIn preparation for the storm, please make certain we have the latest contact information in your file!! Please be sure to update your Emergency Contact list and contact information. In the event of a catastrophe, our office phones are internet based and as long as we can get to a live internet connection, will have access to calls and text messages. Thank you for being a client and please stay safe. Kim HastingsYour Name*Please provide your information. Use TAB to progress through each field. First Last Cell Phone*Please provide your cell phone which will allow us to send messages quickly (in emergency situations).Email* Text Message Preferences:We respect your privacy. We will never spam, sell or even share your contact information with another party. Please select the type of message you would prefer to receive by text message from our agency. Select All Emergency Messages Notifications about My Bill (not automated) Notifications about My Policy Appointment Notifications and Reminders Occasional Informative Events and Webinars IMPORTANT NUMBERS TO REMEMBER Kim Hastings Office: 281-379-5400 Farmers Auto/Home Claims: 800-435-7764 Foremost/Farmers Specialty (except auto): 800-527-3907 Foremost Auto: 800-274-7865 AIG: 888-760-9195 Geovera Specialty: 800-631-6478 Sage Sure Claims: 800-780-8423 Texas Fair Plan: 800-979-6440 UPC: 888-256-3378 US ASSURE (Builders Risk): 800-987-3373 Wellington Claims: 800-447-6465FLOOD AND WINDSTORM Farmers Flood: 800-759-8656 Who do I contact if I have damage as a result of a flood? •Option 1: It's best to contact your agent first when reporting a claim -- they will be listed as the "Producer" on your Flood Policy Declarations - or, your insurance company as soon as possible to begin the claims process. •Option 2: Your Claims Department offers a staffed 24/7 emergency phone line available for claims reporting: 1.800.759.8656 ◦Property location ◦The date the flood event occurred ◦Your current mortgagee information, if available ◦The contact information, even if temporary- Such as your cell phone number and email address EZ FLOOD: 844-319-6238 Texas Windstorm (TWIA): 800-788-8247 Velocity (Home/Commercial): 844-878-2567Would you like us to email you these important numbers? Yes No Emergency Contact ListIn order to provide the highest level of service after a catastrophic event, being able to locate you and determine if a loss has occurred as quickly as possible can make all the difference in the world. Please provide at least 1 family member and 2 neighbors who would help us locate you or let us know if there has been a loss at your residence. TAB to go to Next FieldEmergency Contact 1: Name* First Last Phone 1*Indicated preferred phone below.EC1 Email*Emergency Contact Email Emergency Contact 2: Name First Last Phone 2Indicated preferred phone below.EC2 EmailEmergency Contact Email Emergency Contact 3: Name First Last Phone 3Indicated preferred phone below.EC3 EmailEmergency Contact Email Comments, Questions or Concerns?Are you ready to submit this form?Click "Yes" to Submit No Yes